Consulting Services

Beyond the Page Consulting provides strategic, community-centered grant writing services to empower communities, mobilize resources for movements, and help purpose-driven organizations achieve their missions.

Prospect Research

We know how to find resources and mobilize them for your movement. We provide comprehensive grant research to identify funding opportunities for your work, sharing detailed prospect summaries and facilitating decision-making conversations to ensure you move forward with prospects that truly align with your organization’s mission.

Grant Writing

We write competitive, timely grant proposals for private and community foundations, corporate sponsors, and federal, state, and local government agencies. You will receive create custom templates, such as letters of inquiry/interest, logic models, and budget narratives that you and your team can use time and time again.

Strategy & Management

You will receive strategic consultation to ensure your grants systems and processes are set up for success. We are experienced grant managers, reveling in color-coded project management systems, creating to-do lists that have their own to-do lists, and documenting every detail along the way to maintain consistency and efficiency.

Join our community

Whether you’re a bookworm, a dreamer, a writer yearning for community, or a nonprofit looking for grant writing support, I’d love to hear from you!